Tantec – social responsibility and commitment
As an internationally operating company social responsibility and commitment are an integral part of Tantec’s corporate philosophy. Tantec actively supports social and environmental projects. Below you can find some of the projects Tantec supports.
Donation to Gelnhäuser Tafel
Tantec GmbH donated 1000€ to the Gelnhäuser Tafel, which collects and distributes groceries to those in need. Half of the donation came as prize money from the federal state government of Hessia which awarded Tantec GmbH as the ‘Company of the month July 2015’. Tantec raised the donation by another 500€. The organization collects 6.5 tons of groceries each week and only employs voluntary workers.
Georg Raab, Managing Director of Tantec GmbH, emphasized how important the support of local clubs and organizations is to him.
For further information please visit: www.gelnhaeuser-tafel.de
Social commitment in Africa: Tantec supports “Wir helfen in Afrika e.V.”
With a charitable contribution Tantec GmbH supports the association “Wir helfen in Afrika e.V.” (We help in Africa) located in Gelnhausen. With these donations we support the construction of a Birth Centre as well as constructional works within the “Oasis-School” in Kenia. In addition, with another donation Tantec sponsors school attendance for ten orphans.
The 2010 founded charitable association “Wir helfen in Afrika e.V.” focuses on the improvement of the living conditions of people in Africa. The main emphasis of the association lies on education and health care. With its donations Tantec wants to contribute to the achievement of these goals and wants to honor the commitment of the charity.
For further information please visit: www.wirhelfeninafrika.de
1st Football Club 1906 Erlensee – Tantec Cup: active youth and sports sponsorship
The football tournament Tantec-Cup hosted by the 1st Football Club 1906 Erlensee took place in December 2014. Tantec GmbH is proud to be the main sponsor and name giver of this tournament. The tournament was attended by numerous regional and trans regional teams representing different age groups. The direct beneficiary of Tantec’s contribution is the Club and its members.
With this sponsorship, Georg Raab, managing director of Tantec GmbH, honors the voluntary commitment and the youth work of the local Club. In addition, Tantec is underlining its deep regional roots in the Main-Kinzig area.
For further information please visit: www.jugend-fcerlensee.de
Tantec supports youth work in aviation sport clubs
Tantec donates 60,000 Euros as a price to the youth work of the local aero clubs “Langenselbold” and “Gelnhausen”. The payout of this donation will be made within 3 years. To be eligible for the donation the clubs have committed to set-up lasting youth work and club structures.
“In times of tight community and federal budgets the support from private enterprises to charitable associations becomes more and more important. We as entrepreneurs have to take our responsibility.” Says managing director Georg Raab.
The following links lead you to German newspaper articles regarding Tantec’s support of the aero clubs “Langenselbold” and “Gelnhausen”.
Tantec hilft den Luftsportlern (PDF, Langenselbolder Zeitung)
Tantec supports the Mountain-Gorilla project of the zoological society Frankfurt
The main goal of the project is the protection and the management of the endangered wildlife in the Virunga National Park. The support is coordinated closely with the Congolese authorities, neighboring communities and other concerned parties.
Project page of the The Frankfurt Zoological Society
Aid that gets there – Tantec supports Christmas package initiative 2014
Tantec GmbH and its employees participated in last year’s Christmas package initiative for kids in need, initiated by the foundation “Kinderzukunft” located in Gelnhausen. The initiative “Kinderzukunft” (kid’s future) is patronaged by the Federal Minister of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Manuela Schwesig.
The employees packed gift boxes with things like clothing, candy and toys. These packages were distributed by the initiative “Kinderzukunft” among children in countries such as Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rumania or Ukraine.
Tantec also contributed to the costs of the organization.